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What Now?: Mercury Retrograde

Hello All! We made it through another Mercury Retrograde and it finally want direct on August 19th and now it is in its shadow period. So the next question that comes to mind is: now what? This retrograde as rung more true for me then the ones in the past. Sometimes it feels like whenever one comes to another level of existence you get severely tested. Just like you can study for an exam on what you "might"think is on there because honestly you do not know. However, from the time the exam date is given the "teacher" will give you insight and little notes here and there to let you know your on the right track. Some of us miss the clues, fail to pay attention and then the teacher has to remind us. Mercury retrograde is the constant reminder of focusing on fixing whatever makes you operate at your highest capacity.

The reality of it all is that society wants you to operate at a low frequency and vibration in order to make you more complacent. Complacency has no room in the development and expansion of your soul. All the retrogrades aid in ringing the alarm of your inner clock to awaken your outer man. Some will try to ignore the natural response due the fact of the unnatural behavior that is taking place. I was listening to something the other day and the man made an excellent point he said there is no good or bad, positive or negative but all over lessons and challenges to overcome. Then a coworker of mine reminded that we cannot always focus on if a situation is going to be good/bad, positive/negative but focus on it being presented to us and how we can approach it and then apply it to our lives.

Moving forward and learning through the process of the 5 planets still in retrograde and see what comes up for you to deal with. Start by doing your research of what each planet means and how it applies to you and if it can relate to your current situation/situations. Be ever present in the continuation of going higher than where you are right now. You have the potential to do great things but it is entirely up to you on how much you desire yourself to be.

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