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Months of Feb & March: The Conscious Click

Good Morning, good afternoon and giving evening depending on when you are reading this! I took a little bit of a hiatus and my spirit it told me it was time to get back to writing like I use to. So many things have changed and shifted into another galaxy that I needed time to adjust and to adjust again to my new norm. I know many of us go thru that daily and just trying to find some type of balance can be challenging and yet it can be done. As I also stated my lovely disclaimer: I am not an expert on YOU, that is your job! I am here to share my thoughts and life lessons in hopes that you may help someone some day. If you look at it we are all just walking each other home so why not make it an enjoyable walk! So let's dive in for a short time on the topic of " The Conscious Click."

First, I laughed because this topic popped in my head while I was cleaning my bathroom and kitchen. I was just so fully engrossed in what I was doing and of course more things started to trickle in. I began to think about how far I have come since this time last year, old things leaving and new things coming in, the huge changes that have happened reshaping my life and how I deal with people everyday. I can honestly say that conscious click occurred prior to my birthday and after last year but almost monthly if not daily as I was presented with tough decisions that needed to be made. I have never been the type to really care about what people think about me (it's not my job to know anyway!) but one thing is for certain I read energy more intensely than others so I know when I need to stay and when it's time for me to leave. And when it comes to making decisions that can change the course of my life I rely heavily on God and my intuition. For me validation will always be for parking but every now and then I do take common sense advice but ultimately I do what is best for me. With that conscious click, I became even more aware than before of how I want to spend my energy with things, what people, places and things to invest my time and energy in. There is a huge difference between having a wall versus a boundary- a boundary gives you the ability to show people the door and to do it confidently and in respect to yourself and your spirit. People need to understand that the choices that you make you will need to learn how to live with them in your heart space. Many people will ignore the hint of the click due to their own ego.

One of the many things that this "click" has helped me more now than before. I have become more than OK with people who talk negatively about me and the simple fact that all they can do is talk and assume. I have found such comfort in leaving it just like that and not breaking my neck to change their view. I let people perceive me as they want to because I am not responsible for how they see me in their mind. All you can do is maintain your peace and your boundaries because everyone doesn't always want the best for you and just interested in what they can get out of you energetically, emotionally, spiritually, financially etc. Once I started hearing that "click" more often I made a lot of changes that I needed for me. Some are going to view me as a villain and I'm fine in playing that part in their story because at the end of the day God knows the truth. As I have always said " my karma is how I treat you, and your karma is how you treat me!" Doing what is right for you is always going to ruffle the feathers of those that can no longer use you for their benefit or they fail to paint you as your old self that you no longer are.

Another thing to take note of is that the more you tune into that click your going to start losing friendships, relationships, shed all beliefs, thinking patterns etc I like to refer to it as "cutting the fat" out of your life. The energy behind it is going to be so strong and prominent that nothing anyone says is going to affect you.You're going to be making a conscious decision to instinctively do what is right for you. Let people misunderstand you, let people assume wrong about you etc. Just keep praying and noticing the signs that you are on the right path. I have embraced that the conscious click that has been happening daily is leading me to a more fulfilling and liberating to a happy filled life with love and abundance. The click means making room for those things you truly want and what you richly deserve. Continue to listen for that "click" and pay attention to how loud it gets for you and where you are when it happens. It is letting you know a breakthrough is coming and keep going. It is not always easy being the mirror to others but trust the process and keep pushing forward. I am constantly reminded of when I have to deal with people and energies I haven't dealt with in a very long time to stay vibrating high within my power. No one has the power to change the frequency of your click and it is going to manifest in all its greatness when the time is right. Continue to stand your ground, be firm in your beliefs and listen for the click and as per usual be good to yourself. #LiveLivePositive 🕉

Copyright © 2023 Seleta Harvey

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