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When Plan A Fails To Take Flight

Hey everyone we finally made it to Thursday aka Pre-Friday and I know many of us are looking forward to either a relaxing or fun-filled weekend. I pray that everyone takes a couple of hours of peace and quiet to think about anything that happened during the week. I always ended up having interesting conversations with friends and a few family members and I am always given something to look at a little deeper. Growing up we are at some point asked what type of plan do we have. Some of us either have a really good answer or we are still trying to figure things out. There really is not a time frame on how soon a person's plan is executed and if someone tells you different-kindly remind them " my plan works for me and that is good enough for now!" So let's carry on shall we!

So the topic is one we are all to familiar but what no one really talks about is what happens after Plan A fails to take flight. Yes it is unfortunate but it does happen but what you have to keep in mind is that it is presenting you with a learning opportunity and a chance to really tweak your plan to make it better. Yes you may be disappointed but do not stay down. You may be tired but learn how to rest and not quit. No one becomes a billionaire over night- it takes time and many plans to be executed to produce the outcome that you ultimately desire. You have to take all angles into consideration to discover the hidden potential to reveal itself. So when Plan A fails to take flight here are some helpful things to consider:

1. Make sure you prepare better to handle the highs and lows that will come with getting off the ground.

2. Being grounded in spirit and stable will allow a level of consistency and focus needed.

3. Stay hungry and know confidently that "you got this!" and have that positive talk several times a day if needed.

4. Your ego is not your amigo and keep a mindful/grateful attitude always!

5. Remember that staying balanced is key to how you will be productive.

6. Take a break- everything cannot be done in one day!

7. Know where your strength is and keep working on the potentiality ( I do not like saying weakness!)

So remember the simple things I provided above and just because you haven't taken flight does not mean you never will. It is all about perspective and you will get that opportunity to take flight when everything falls into place. Be kind always and #LiveLifePositive

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